Jean Pascal 6 oz + Moisturizing Balm

$ 355,000


JEAN PASCAL is imposing, its presence never goes unnoticed. Wood is the first scent the senses experience, sparking their curiosity. To lighten its strength, the heart and base of this Eau de Toilette are highlighted with floral notes, jasmine and lavender, creating a powerful blend that promises new discoveries with each application.
This perfume is highly concentrated, so it lingers on skin and clothing for up to 24 hours.

Our classic fragrance and after shave balm. With Cacai Oil, reduce skin irritation, leaving it soft and as fragrant as the perfume.


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Apply on hot spots such as ears and wrists.

Warranty: 6 months. Any changes are subject to prior verification.

Delivery times:
Bogotá Max 3 business days
Other cities Max 5 business days


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